Friday, November 6, 2009


A lesbian, who identifies as a Stemme, retains traits from both Femme and Stud/ Butch lesbians. Stemmes are in the center of the lesbian spectrum of classification and identities. Therefore, it is considered natural or common for Stemme lesbians to share the same behaviors as women of two diverse identity groups. Often times, the Stemme identity is viewed as the “transitional” stage of lesbianism, when a lesbian woman goes from being a Femme to a Stud/ Butch, or (on rear occasions) from a Stud/ Butch to a Femme. The way a Femme dresses includes styles from both Femme and Stud/ Butch groups. They may prefer to wear loose jeans and a tight or fitted shirt. These women also transfer in and out of each identity. One way an exchange of identity exists is by wearing boys/ men’s clothing or by wearing girls/ women’s clothing. Another is the attitudes and roles a lesbian plays within a relationship.

A Stemme who is the dominant woman in a relationship or prefers to recognize their masculine identity associates herself more with her Stud/ Butch identity. Although she can also identify as a Femme, she either feels more comfortable as a Stud/ Butch, but still remains feminine. In contrast, a Stemme who is less dominant and inhibits feminine traits and characteristics may choose to identify more towards the Femme side of the identity. Stemme lesbians are not always easy to identify. They are more likely distinguishable when they portray the Stud/ Butch identity. If a Stemme is dressed as a Femme she may resemble a heterosexual woman or another Femme.

Individual identity is subject to change. With experience people grow and sometimes change is required. When lesbians decide to “transition” they change their sub-identity. If a lesbian is a Femme, but no longer wants to identify or prefers to act as the more dominant person in a relationship, it is common for her to become a Stemme before she becomes a Stud/ Butch. Both physically and socially it is easier to become a Stemme when changing identities because a lesbians style, demeanor, and preference have to become assimilated to their new identity. Though this can happen, it is not as common for a Stud/ Butch to transition into a Femme. Evidently the main reason this is true is because Studs/ Butches do not feel comfortable as Femmes. They do not like to limit themselves to women’s clothing and they like to play the more superior and dominant role in a relationship.

*In this blog the characteristic and behavioral difference between a Femme and a Stud is conjoined. The way a Femme or a Stud dresses is not the only way she can be identified. They can also be distinguished by their attitudes, actions and the way they interact with other people. A Stemme is the in-between identity of a Stud and Femme. She is apart of both groups and her identity is subject to change at anytime. A Stemme identity is often referred to as the transitional stage; however, some lesbian women remain a Stemme because they enjoy representing male and female dominance.

Work Cited:


Youtube Stemmes, Interviewed by N. Smith, Online Interview, Via Email, November 5, 2009

1 comment:

  1. This article clearly explains what I have been struggling with for years. I am a Stemme/lesbian.
